Saturday, July 21, 2007

I'm a Realtor Now!!!

As I left the testing facility, I not only felt a sigh of relief, but I felt the pride in my chest as I walked tall. I not only wanted to tell my wife that I passed, but I really just wanted to shout it out to the world.

On my way home, the sense of calm sat in as I stopped for gas and something to drink. The only thing on my mind was..."what am I going to do now". I had just spent 5 months studying, stressing and living the study material.

When I finally returned home after a very peaceful drive, I e-mailed my team leader with the good news and was told that it would take a few days for them to get my license and to contact the new agent representative and set up a time for orientation.

During the next week, I did my best to get familiar with the Austin housing market. This seemed to be a lot easier than the previous five months of constant studying and memorizing.

The funny part is, even though I passed my test and was considered a Realtor now, I did not feel like I could do anything realty wise. I had learned the stuff in the books, now it was time to learn the stuff in real life.

Still, I was a realtor on paper, but not yet in my mind.

Coming next.....orientation and I can't believe the amount of money I'm spending!!!!!

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