Friday, July 20, 2007

Real Estate Agent 101

I set up this blog site about a month ago and have been trying to decide what the content would be. I have finally made a decision to talk about my first year as a Real Estate Agent. I feel this is important, because the first year is a make or break year. A little understanding that you are not the only one going through your cycle is what I hope to get across.

I wish I could say that it has been everything I had dreamed of and more, but that is not the case. As I look back at it, I was close to being one of the 70% that do not make it past the first year and end up going back to an hourly wage.

A little about myself....

I decided to get into Real Estate because I needed to have a more flexible job with flexible hours. After 20 years with the Federal Government, I had had enough of fighting for a budget that was constantly getting diverted elsewhere. We would eventually get what we needed, but the hoops kept getting smaller and smaller to jump through.

I could not retire because I was still to young, so I decided that I would resign and wait until I turned 58 and collect my retirement at that time.

So, off to a world that I had only briefly worked in during my life time. A world where instead of constantly trying to justify a budget, I was constantly trying to convince people to allow me to help them sell probably the highest priced item they have ever purchased and probably the highest they will EVER purchase in their lives.

After I completed my Real Estate Courses, I sort of felt confident about my ability to pass the state exam. If the exam was anything like the study books, then I should have no problem. The only problem I had were the stories about people not passing on the first try and having to try again and again. I was not going to be one of them if I could help it, so I scheduled my test date for the day after I would complete a two day review cram course.

While waiting for my test date, I let my Team Leader for the Broker I had chosen (Keller Williams) know of the date and asked if there would be anything I could do in the meantime. I was told to relax and just study for the test. What I was hoping she would say is, "Come on down and see how things operate and get a feel for what you will be experiencing when you get your license". But that did not happen! So, I relaxed and studied and studied and studied and even through in a stress every now and then just to keep my life balanced.

On my test date, I made sure that I was at the test facility early. I did not want any reason to have to reschedule. I just wanted this part to be over with. I sat in the parking lot and with a half hour to go and looked over my books. Did I forget anything? Did I get enough sleep? Is my stomach growling because it's hungry or nervous? Can't they just open the door and let me in so I can take this test and then go and either relax or drown in sorrow.

I finally looked in my mirror and noticed that there was an open sign in the window of the test facility. Was that there when I arrived? Did they just open up early? Either way, I was going to find out and if it really was not open, then I would just have to walk around the building and relax this tension that was building.

The turn of the knob was a beautiful sight as the door swung open and inside sat a gentleman just waiting for testers like me. He put me at ease as I showed him my ID's and I signed all the papers.

I was finally directed into the testing room with instructions on how to operate the computer. I sat down and can't even begin to tell you how loud the chair was, especially since I was the only one in there so far. And it even became louder as I squirmed with each question that I answered. I answered all the questions on the National Test and then moved on through the State test. My stomach starting to ache with each question answered as I did not know whether I was going to pass or not.

I finally completed the final question and was asked to review my choices and make changes now. I have always believed that my first answer is probably the one to keep. If I start to think about them, I would then start to question my answers and then myself. So, I left them all the same and pushed the complete button. The computer did it's thing with a whir left and a whir right and then the rinse mode was over. And!!!!! So, was my testing.

I HAD PASSED!!!!! Both the State and the National test were finally behind me. Turns out that I did not really have as much to worry about as I had thought before. My score of and 80 and a 90 proved that I had studied well and all the worrying was in vain.

I was NOW a REAL ESTATE Agent!!!!

So....I thought.....More to come on my first year!!!!!

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