Saturday, August 25, 2007

Action is everything

I am currently listening to one of my favorite books. It is titled "Goals", written by Brian Tracy. For a long time, I resisted listening to someone who looked "SO" Corporate. For this reason, I feel that I had held myself back because of my previous beliefs.

One of the things he states is that, "the source of fear is childhood conditioning, usually destructive criticism from one or both parents".

I like to take this a little further. Simply put, it is not always the parents that cause this childhood conditioning. It could be your peers, your siblings, family friends and members or just someone you encounter as you grow up.

I expand on this from my own experiences that shaped my first year as a new Agent. I recall being a little boy and not wanting to leave my mother as she dropped us off at a Carnival. I wanted to go, but I was afraid of the clowns. With a lot of persuasion, I was able to get my mother to take me with her while the rest of my family attended the carnival. To this day, I have never been to a carnival.

That doesn't mean that I won't, it just that I have not had the opportunity. Plus is it not a high priority on my list of things to do in this life.

What happened though is, for years, I had an aversion to talking with people when I couldn't see their face. This even included Santa Clause. Can you imagine the hoops I had to get over as an agent? How about talking on the phone during phone duty? How about meeting new clients that I had never met before? Especially not knowing what they looked like.

I would guess that I'm not the only one that has fears that have to be overcome. And overcome them I did. I am glad I took the time to work through this issue. As I did, I realized that fear and not knowing something go hand in hand. So, if you are going to get over that fear, you are going to have to step out of the box and confront them. You are going to have to learn something about what you are fearing. You are going to have to make you way forward.

If I had one bit of advice for you as a new agent, I would tell you to make a list of all the fears you have in being a Realtor. Put down why you fear them and then take steps to gain knowledge on those issues in order to overcome them.

As FDR said during his first Inaugural Address, "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself". Fear is the the distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

So, if you can get over your fear, you will be on your way to being the Real Estate Agent of choice.

Go get em....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

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